Stack of Papers

Records Requests & Media Questions

In keeping with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Iowa Open Records Act, Iowa Division of Labor is committed to providing assistance to those seeking access to open records created by or in the legal custody of our agency.  Any person may submit their request to examine and copy an open record created by or in the custody of the Iowa Workforce Development through this portal.

The department shall hold confidential the information obtained from an employing unit or individual in the course of administering this chapter and the initial determination made by a representative of the department under section 96.6, subsection 2, as to the benefit rights of an individual. The department shall not disclose or open this information for public inspection in a manner that reveals the identity of the employing unit or the individual, except as provided in subparagraph (3) or paragraph “c”. Iowa Code § 96.11(6)(b)(1); 20 CFR 603. To obtain confidential information a requesting party must show entitlement to such information under Iowa Code § 96.11(6).  All fact-finding records, including audio recordings, are confidential and can only be released to the claimant and employer. 

Submit a Records Request

When submitting your request, be sure to detail exactly which records are requesting.  Try to be as specific as possible to ensure that you receive what you are seeking. For example: 

  • "I would like copies of my entire unemployment insurance file."
  • "I would like copies of my unemployment insurance appeal file."  
  • “I would like the audio recording from my recent appeal hearing.”
  • “I would like copies of all correspondence between specific members of an agency staff and another organization from June 10, 2016 through December 1, 2016.”

After you have submitted your initial request to this portal you will receive an email of confirmation. You must return to your submission and attach a signed Waiver and/or Authorization, or any other supporting documents, i.e. Subpoena. Some records are confidential and will not be released unless proper signed Waiver and/or Authorization is provided. If you do not have a signed Waiver and/or Authorization, please use the link below to complete and upload to your submitted request.

Submissions via the link below are submitted via an online portal.  Requesters may manage their entire request through the portal including receiving the requested records.

Phone or Email Records Requests

Records requests can be submitted to Email: and Phone: 515-725-5614


For record requests the following fees will apply pursuant to Iowa Code 96.11(6)(e) and 20 CFR 603.8:

Agency Record Fee
A charge will be incurred for all records provided by this agency.
.25 per page
Digital Recording Fee
A flat fee is required for the production of any and all audio recordings.
Custodian of Record Fee
These fees are based upon the hourly salary of the staff involved.  These fees are for the search, redaction and production of agency records.   Charges will be made for actual time spent.
$28.43 per hour
All fees must be paid in advance before records will be provided.

The following records do not require submission to the portal. Requesting Records for the following documents may be requested directly by calling (866) 239-0843.

  • Pending claims for benefits by claimant or employer;
  • Any decision or letter previously provided to claimant or employer
  • Verification of benefit dates or payments by claimant or employer;
  • Fact-finding decisions or exhibits by claimant or employer;
  • Documents for tax purposes for paid claims; or
  • Documents regarding applications for financial assistance from Maintenance Programs such as FIP, food stamps, childcare assistance or Title XIX.

Wage and Benefit Verifications should be submitted directly to the Unemployment Insurance Department, ATTN:  Oscar Rosales at or (515) 725-3753.

Labor Division Records

Iowa Division of Labor Open Records Fee Schedule is in accordance with Iowa Public Records Law – Iowa Code Chapter 22.3.

For Labor Division record requests the following fees will apply:

Digital or Paper Copies*$0.25 per page
CD ROM$1.50 per CD
Flash Drives$5.00 each
Video/Audio recordings$10.00 per recording
IT program searches and other computer data extractions$30 per hour
Non-legal staff fee if less than 30 minutesFree
Non-legal staff fee if more than 30 minutes$20.00 per hour
Legal staff fee if less than 30 minutes (records review, redaction, etc.)Free
Legal staff fee if more than 30 minutes (records review, redaction, etc.)$60.00 hour
PostageActual Cost
*  Includes the labor of paper to digital conversion

Please note the following:

  • Prepayment is required
  • Records processing times may vary

Media Questions

Media questions may be submitted through the online portal, email, or phone correspondence. All information requests will be routed to the correct subject matter experts within the agency.